The Journey: The Start
So it’s 2020
Oprah was supposed to be president, not Donald Trump. Anyway, this year sounds like cyborg futuristic year or is that just me feeling old. Either way, it’s here and everybody is obsessed with time. I spent 2019 learning how time was a social construct yet my industry is obsessed with it.
Let’s get to the point
I’m Sky Taylor when I write. Skylar Dreams when I rap and ART when I DJ. Just Sky to the rest of the industry. I’ve written for 2 publications, a PR company and I’m a brand ambassador for a Chicago based influencer company. I have a tendency to live 2–3 lives at a time. However, in 2020 I’m going to connect everything together.
These are my goals for 2020
Become a business owner
Become a music industry insider with solo articles and my own publication “The Rap Island”
Book 1 a show per week for my artist and secure a sponsor
Start urban book series
Release 3 full-length projects as an artist
Become a better teacher (I teach basic computers as a day time job)
Lead my Aunt’s new company to success
I’m planning to record my process here. At best people can read and give advice and resources. If not, at least I have a place to write down my thoughts and make sense of my craziness. I’ve spent a year and a half as a music journalist so of course, I will be writing about Hip-Hop but my way. In fact here are some series I plan to publish in Medium.
The Journey
Self Care
Rappers I like vs Rappers Yall like
Rap Island Exclusives (Thought pieces)
Treasure Hunt
Wave Today
in the mix
My version
*I also have two end of decade pieces I have to finish, smh I know I’m late. I’m trying to be better for the 2020.
When you see The Journey, it will be about me going through life helping myself become the successful person I know I will be.